The Fraxel Restore laser is revolutionary technology that uses pinpoint laser beams to penetrate below the skin’s surface. It eliminates old, damaged skin cells and stimulates the body’s natural healing process and production of collagen. As this occurs, fresh, glowing, healthy skin emerges. Dr. Downie began to research this method in 2006 and started using Fraxel in 2007. She invested in one for her Montclair, New Jersey practice in 2008 and she has been successfully treating patients with Fraxel Restore ever since that time.

Dr. Downie begins with an evaluation of your concerns. Fraxel is used to treat acne scarring, sun damage, freckles, stretchmarks, scars, dark marks and patches and facial wrinkling. Once it is determined that Fraxel laser treatment is right for you, a first session is scheduled. You are topically numbed for one hour; then the procedure takes about 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the area being treated.
Afterward, sun block is applied. A healing cream is prescribed (Biafine or Bionect) to use for two weeks after treatment along with 4% hydroquinone (Sledgehammer). You receive specific post-care instructions to manage slight redness and swelling that may occur. Sessions should be scheduled approximately once a month for about six months. Subsequently, at least yearly appointments will maintain your fresh look.

There is little to no downtime with Fraxel treatments. Many patients go back to work the same day. Those who feel a little self-conscious about potential redness and swelling usually schedule treatment on “Fraxel Fridays” and look fine by Monday morning. Patients are also recommended to follow a low or no salt diet for a few days after the treatment, and observe a strict sun block and sun avoidance regimen.
What is Fraxel Laser? - Dr. Jeanine Downie

So Fraxel Laser is one of the biggest lasers that I use in my practice for non-ablative facial skin resurfacing. It is safe and effective to use in all skin tones, and types. It helps with texture, of your skin, it helps in terms of tone, to even it out, it helps with acne scarring, it helps with stretch marks off the face that would be—it helps for surgical scars—it helps for dark circles around the eyes, it helps for big circles around the nose. It is used for wrinkles around the mouth, it is used in a multitude of places, from photo ageing to photo damaging, resurfacing and reinvigorating skin to make patients look and feel their very best. For Fraxel laser you have to come into the office and be numb for about an hour and you do the procedure. I perform the Fraxel myself on my patients, and then you get up, your face is red and it is slightly swollen. You go home you do the wound care and it is bristly. You come back in a month and it works all over again nicely in another month.
In Dr. Downie’s experienced hands, Fraxel treatment is very safe and results are predictable. You must follow the proper wound care instructions that are printed and given to you. You also must wear an SPF 30 sunscreen daily and reapply it. However, depending on your skin type, health situation, and aftercare at home there are potential side effects. Some patients experience temporary swelling, redness, or blistering. These side effects go away rapidly and may require you to come back into the office for an additional visit.
What skin concerns can be treated with Fraxel Restore?
This treatment helps skin conditions such as enlarged pores, acne scarring, wrinkles and fine lines, age spots, melasma, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, stretch marks, both fresh surgical scars and older scars, and keloids.
Is Fraxel only for cosmetic enhancement?
No. It may also be used to eradicate pre-cancerous skin lesions before they become skin cancers.
Where can Fraxel be used?
All over the body. Fraxel Restore treatment is appropriate for use on the face, neck, chest, shoulders, back, arms, elbows, knees, hands, legs and feet – on all skin types.
Contact Dr. Downie in Montclair at (973) 509-6900 today to discuss what Fraxel Restore can do for you!