“IntraGen/Skin Tightening redefines RF skin treatment anti-aging therapy. It rejuvenates your skin from inside out and works on wrinkles, skin toning, texturing nasolabial folds, chin line, and large pores.”


IntraGen delivers ideal energy levels in all tissues, and this is an excellent treatment for all over the face and neck as well as on the body. It tightens the skin and is suitable for individuals of all races and ethnicities, helping you achieve your best appearance. IntraGen redefines RF skin treatment anti-aging therapy, rejuvenates your skin from the inside out, and works on wrinkles, skin toning, texturing nasolabial folds, chin line, and large pores. IntraGen determines tissue parameters such as impedance in real-time and delivers the perfect amount of RF energy for each application. There is no longer a need to measure the average temperature of the surface to try to figure out if the dermal layer has been effectively treated.

Grid fractional radio frequency energy creates thermal grid shapes on the epidermis and a uniform thermal zone in the upper dermis during RF emission.

  • The energy is optimized for each treatment by a real-time impedance checking system.
  • Safe treatment is provided by thermal contact of the grid protecting the skin surface.
  • A multi-pulse function enables the energy to penetrate gently into the deep area.
  • Much more comfortable than Thermage and other RF devices.
  • Consumable cost 10% of Thermage costs.

Actual Patient Results

* Actual results directly after the second treatment session which was only six weeks later

Instragen Skin Tightening
Instragen Skin Tightening
Instragen Skin Tightening


All you need to know about IntraGen™ for Skin Tightening - Dr. Jeanine B. Downie

All you need to know about IntraGen™ for Skin Tightening - Dr. Jeanine B. Downie
Dr. Jeanine B. Downie in Montclair, NJ, explains that Intragen is a skin tightening device that is used especially for lower jaw and neck area of the face. It is a colour blind non-invasive radio frequency device. It can be used on any skin colour and on people over 35 years of age. Intragen Anti-Aging Therapy rejuvenates your skin inside -out. Call and schedule a consultation with Dr. Jeanine B. Downie to learn more about Intragen.

What is IntraGen™? IntraGen™ is a tightening device that is used for the face, especially the lower jaw and neck area. It is a non-invasive radio frequency device that is colour blind.

Who would be an ideal candidate for the procedure?
It can be used on white, black, Latino and Asian patients. The amount of melanin in the skin does not make a difference. It is typically used for people who need skin tightening, people over the age of 35 years are the ideal candidates.

How do smokers benefit from this?
Even my patients who are smokers like this machine because it helps to decrease the smoking lines.

How does the IntraGen™ procedure work?
It is basically 4-6 treatment sessions. It feels hot as we don’t numb you before the procedure and it is not uncomfortable though.

You apply the applicator device in roundish circles to the face with one mode and then the other mode is a stamping mode when you let that applicator linger a little bit more. Patients are delighted with the results.

Is it safe and affordable?
Typically, we don’t use it in the eye area. We go around the outskirts of the eye area but everywhere else on the face particularly around the mouth, around the lower jaw and on the neck, it’s being used a lot.

It’s a tightening technology not as expensive as the others tightening technologies on the market. My patients are very excited about the results and most people need about 4-6 treatment sessions and I recommend 1or 2 a year for maintenance.

To learn more about IntraGen™, call us at (973) 509-6900 and schedule a consultation.

IntraGen Treatment, Skin Tightening Anti Aging Therapy                                            

IntraGen Treatment, Skin Tightening Anti Aging Therapy
IntraGen Therapy is the most effective anti-aging treatment to tighten lower face, jawline, and neck as shown in the video by Dr. Jeanine Downie of Image Dermatology in Montclair, NJ

And that is the sweep in.

Dr. Downie shows her Instagram fans how she uses Introgen on herself!

IntraGen Procedure

Hey Instagram fans, we are doing Introgen – Roxanne is doing Introgen on my face. This is a radio frequency device that tightens around my mouth and as we start to get more mature our mouth can get saggy and look crazy and that is not what I want and sometimes you don’t need filler three you need some tightening there. So I do have some filler in my lip, I do have some filler in my chin, and everybody knows I am as vain as I can get, but this Introgen device is safe for all skin type. My males and female patients love it we use it all over the face, on the neck and on the chest, and I recommend it so come get yourself some Introgen.

Dr. Jeanine Downie is an experienced and popular dermatologist in Montclair. She possesses extensive experience and training in all aspects of dermatology, including cosmetic dermatology and laser surgery. Dr. Downie provides modern and cutting-edge dermatology treatments to everyone in your family in a professional, competent and compassionate manner while ensuring that your individual and unique needs are met. Having received rigorous academic training, she completed her residency in Dermatology at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City and also served as Chief Resident. She continues to upgrade her skills set and share her knowledge through professional affiliations and lecturing assignments on behalf of several renowned medical societies such as The Skin Cancer Foundation and The American Academy of Dermatology, among others. She also frequently interacts with the public through popular television shows such as Good Morning America, The Today Show, and The Dr. Oz Show, to name a few.