Double chin removal: non-surgical treatment with Kybella in Montclair, New Jersey

Genetics, weight gain, and aging can all lead to a “double chin,” also called submental fullness, which can be difficult to eliminate with diet and exercise. This can not only affect the way you look from both the front and the side—making you look bigger than you really are—but also your self-confidence. Previously, the only double chin removal option was surgery, but now patients have an effective non-surgical option called Kybella®. We are proud to offer this treatment at image Dermatology ® P.C. in Montclair, New Jersey, to help restore both your appearance and your confidence! Dr. Downie participated in the Kybella clinical trial and has in-depth knowledge and experience in helping patients achieve natural-looking, terrific results.

Non-Surgical Double Chin Removal Treatment in Montclair NJ Area

Kybella injections for double chin removal

Kybella is like liposuction in a needle! It is a very targeted therapy that is made from deoxycholic acid, which is a molecule that is naturally occurring in the intestines, where it works to emulsify fats for absorption by the body. Deoxycholic acid has been used in a variety of ways in medicine. When it is injected into the under-chin area, Kybella is very effective at destroying the fat cells in the area, and then they are flushed away through the body’s elimination pathways. The end result reduces submental fullness with beautiful chin contours and a slimmer, younger appearance. Kybella can also be used off-label in the inner thighs and other areas of the body. 

Kybella is:

  • Minimally invasive
  • FDA-approved
  • Fast, with treatment sessions only lasting approximately 15-20 minutes
  • Effective
  • Good for both men and women and all skin types
  • Permanent – once your desired results are achieved, you do not need touch-up treatments

Actual Patient Results

Kybella Treatment Effects

Additionally, because Kybella is minimally invasive and requires small injections, it carries much less risk than a surgical procedure. Patients enjoy freedom from scars, drains, or compression garments and minimal downtime. While patients may experience swelling and bruising at the injection site, recovery is typically rapid, and we take precautions to minimize your risk of side effects from the treatment. Multiple treatment sessions are needed for the best results. We will discuss the number of treatments needed, potential side effects, and how to manage them during your consultation, so you are well-informed. 

Call our office at (973) 509-6900
to book an appointment today.

Am I a good candidate for Kybella?

The first step in eliminating your double chin with Kybella is to schedule a consultation at image Dermatology ® P.C. Dr. Downie will evaluate your current skin and submental fullness and discuss your treatment goals and preferences to determine whether Kybella is right for you. To schedule your appointment, call our Montclair, NJ office today at (973) 509-6900 or book your consultation online!

Dr. Jeanine Downie is an experienced and popular dermatologist in Montclair. She possesses extensive experience and training in all aspects of dermatology, including cosmetic dermatology and laser surgery. Dr. Downie provides modern and cutting-edge dermatology treatments to everyone in your family in a professional, competent and compassionate manner while ensuring that your individual and unique needs are met. Having received rigorous academic training, she completed her residency in Dermatology at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City and also served as Chief Resident. She continues to upgrade her skills set and share her knowledge through professional affiliations and lecturing assignments on behalf of several renowned medical societies such as The Skin Cancer Foundation and The American Academy of Dermatology, among others. She also frequently interacts with the public through popular television shows such as Good Morning America, The Today Show, and The Dr. Oz Show, to name a few.

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