Chemical Peels Before and After 01


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Chemical peels are the perfect dermatological treatment to improve the appearance of acne, age spots, dark patches of melasma, sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles. It is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures done in our Montclair dermatology practice, simply because it is effective and extremely affordable. Dr. Downie is a believer in the benefits of chemical peels, and performs a peel on herself every month.


Chemical peels topically exfoliate the skin by the application of a chemical solution designed around the patient’s skin type and skin care needs. During her consultations in Montclair dermatology office, Dr. Downie listens to patients’ concerns and offers solutions based on their exact needs. A chemical peel may be recommended to address specific concerns in a gentle yet effective way.

There are various types of chemical peels, ranging from light to deep in nature. Light peels may include gentle glycolic acid, a substance derived from sugar cane. Medium peels may include a higher concentration of glycolic acid, salicylic acid, or lactic acid, which is wonderful for fighting acne. Deep chemical peels, sometimes known as TCA peels, contain trichloracetic acid, which can address acne scars and blemishes, and also more severe discoloration from sun damage or

Our newer peel technologies include Vitalize Peel (salicylic acid, lactic acid, and resorcinol) and Rejuvenize Peel (a stronger version of the Vitalize). They are performed by applying a light acid on the patient’s face for a few minutes, and then applying retinoic acid and leaving the chemicals on the skin for deeper penetration. The peel is washed off the patients face the next morning for optimized results.

Chemical Peels Before and After
Chemical Peels Before and After
After 1 Treatment
Chemical Peels Before and After
Chemical Peels Before and After
After 1 Treatment


I’ve been going to Dr. Downie for the past 5 years and I’ve seen numerous dermatologists over the past 15 years! All I have to say is that my skin hasn’t been this clear since I was 17! I absolutely love her!



Chemical peels are not painful. Most people will feel a slight stinging sensation as the chemical solution penetrates the skin. In our office, we use fans to cool the skin throughout treatment.

The amount of recovery that is needed after a chemical peel is dependent on the type of peel performed. Lighter peels may produce mild redness that lasts only a few hours. After a light peel, sunscreen, moisturizer, and makeup may be reapplied right away. Medium peels may cause mild swelling and flaking of the skin that lasts several days. A deep TCA peel will cause more extensive peeling and redness as old, damaged skin cells naturally slough off and new cells appear. During the week or two of recovery from a deeper chemical peel, patients are advised to avoid direct sun exposure. For all chemical peels, superficial to deep, patients are instructed to wear sunscreen with an spf30 or more. Patients must reapply this sunscreen every 2-3 hours, even when indoors as fluorescent/visible light can adversely effect the skin.


Chemical peels performed by your experienced dermatologist are typically very safe and effective. It is important to know, however, that there are risks with various medical and cosmetic treatments, including chemical peels. Dr. Downie carefully explains potential risks during consultations, and performs a thorough medical history in order to determine if a chemical peel is the right choice for a patient.

The main risk of chemical peel treatment is occasional discoloration. That is why patients must wear sunscreen and reapply. Patients with a family history of brown discoloration, melasma, keloids, or abnormal scarring are encouraged to disclose details to Dr. Downie. Patients who have experienced cold sores or herpes, as well, have an increased risk of outbreak. In such cases, however, medication may be prescribed before or during treatment to minimize this risk. Sitavig and Valtrex are among the oral anti-virus I prescribe


What can a chemical peel do for my skin?

This customized treatment designed by your board-certified dermatologist can reduce the appearance of blemishes, acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, texture, discoloration, and precancerous lesions. Ultimately, chemical peels will decrease the amount of makeup you need to wear on your face and you will not have to hide behind your makeup.

How long does a chemical peel take?

Most chemical peels are completed in just a few minutes. This appointment is all about relaxing while your skin care professional pampers your skin. Chemical peels can be applied to the skin all over, including the skin on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders, arms, buttocks and legs.

How many peels are needed to improve my skin?

Typically, it is six or more peels that are needed. However, chemical peels are designed based on your exact needs. The results achieved are dependent on the various components of your peel, such as the type of acid used and the duration for which the solution is left on the skin. Deeper peels are more aggressive, requiring up to 14 days of total recovery time, but produce more dramatic results. After a deep peel, maintenance peels may be performed as often as once a month. Light and medium chemical peels, as well, may be performed a few times a month until desired results are achieved. Dr. Downie makes her best estimate for treatment during your consultation.

How long will results from my peel last?

Again, this depends on the variables of your peel. Deeper peels produce the greatest cellular turnover and tend to last the longest with good sun protection. The results of a peel are dependent on the extent of repair and ongoing skin care, particularly protection from UV rays. Using excellent sunscreen with an spf of 30 or above and other protective measures, results can last more than a year.

Obviously, you may not smoke or use tanning beds or the results will not last.

Chemical peels are a great, affordable way to rejuvenate your skin. Put your best face forward in personal and business situations by freshening your look. Feel beautiful from the inside out! Call Dr. Downie today to schedule a consultation.

Chemical peels are a great, affordable way to rejuvenate your skin. Put your best face forward in personal and business situations by freshening your look. Feel beautiful from the inside out! Call the Montclair dermatology office of Dr. Downie today to schedule a consultation.

Dr. Jeanine Downie is an experienced and popular dermatologist in Montclair. She possesses extensive experience and training in all aspects of dermatology, including cosmetic dermatology and laser surgery. Dr. Downie provides modern and cutting-edge dermatology treatments to everyone in your family in a professional, competent and compassionate manner while ensuring that your individual and unique needs are met. Having received rigorous academic training, she completed her residency in Dermatology at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City and also served as Chief Resident. She continues to upgrade her skills set and share her knowledge through professional affiliations and lecturing assignments on behalf of several renowned medical societies such as The Skin Cancer Foundation and The American Academy of Dermatology, among others. She also frequently interacts with the public through popular television shows such as Good Morning America, The Today Show, and The Dr. Oz Show, to name a few.