As Marv Levy puts it, “Age is inevitable. Aging isn’t.” You may agree that age is just a number; it’s how young at heart you are that really matters. Even so, don’t you sometimes wish the face staring back from the mirror could look as young as you feel? It can. Fraxel Laser Treatment restores […]
At , we are committed to providing the safest and most effective dermatological treatments. We understand that it is difficult to feel your best when you don’t look your best. Aging is unfortunately inevitable, but many of the visible signs are optional, thanks to modern aesthetic dermatology treatment. What is Fraxel?The development of fractionated laser […]
Today, laser skin rejuvenation treatments are one of the top five non-surgical procedures in the United States. At , NJ residents have access to one of the hottest methods for resurfacing skin to remove imperfections and simultaneously firm skin tone with the Fraxel Restore. Fraxel Restore is ideal to remove acne scarring, age spots, pregnancy-induced […]
Fraxel laser treatment, Montclair, is part of a new generation of dermatological laser treatments. Gone are the intense sessions, burning and scarring risks, and downtime associated with laser therapy in the past. Fraxel laser treatment provides remarkable results with minimal discomfort or healing time. How Fraxel works Laser skin treatment works by eliminating existing skin […]
Would you like to restore the smooth, firm, evenly colored skin of your youth? If so, Fraxel treatment is an excellent option. It is a next-generation laser system, designed to reduce or erase many signs of aging, sun damage, and more. Because it is much gentler than older skin resurfacing lasers, the treatment is more […]
The developments that have occurred in laser technology have paved new ways for experienced dermatologists like Dr. Jeanine Downie to help patients reverse the signs of aging that occur on various areas of the body. At near Essex Fells, we are happy to provide information on Fraxel Restore treatments and help patients determine when they […]
Paul Neal Adair (“Red” to his friends) once said, “If you think a professional is expensive, wait ’til you try an amateur.” As an innovator in the hazardous occupation of oil well firefighter, Red appreciated the value of specialized expertise. That sentiment is apt in dermatology, as well. In unseasoned hands or an unethical practice, […]
A single acne breakout can wreck your day – your plans to look perfectly groomed for a class, presentation, or big date. Scars left in the wake serve as daily reminders of flare-ups you’d rather forget. Facial hair for men and heavy makeup for ladies only hides the issue. Dr. Jeanine Downie of offers a […]
In 2013 Popsugar, a popular Australian online fashion and beauty magazine, announced the secret to Kim Kardashian’s flawless complexion – Fraxel laser therapy. Other celebrities began to talk about their experiences with this skin transforming treatment. Fraxel, however, isn’t the sole domain of Hollywood stars and starlets. Dr. Jeanine Downie delivers safe laser rejuvenation to […]
Acne scars can have a profound influence on your quality of life. You may want to lather on foundation to disguise acne scars. However, this solution is only temporary. There is good news for men and women who suffer from deep-pitted acne scars and the embarrassment they can cause. The Fraxel Restore laser can reduce […]
After surgery or battling acne, many men and women are left with an emotionally painful reminder – a scar. When the dermis is damaged due to trauma or a skin condition, the body forms new collagen fibers to mend the damage. This results in a scar that will have a different texture than surrounding tissue. […]