Precision fat removal with Kybella: non-surgical treatment for your double chin

For many decades, men and women have sought treatments for stubborn areas of fat on their body. Invasive liposuction surgery was the mainstay in fat removal for many decades, but medical advances have rapidly expanded the market to include a wide array of fat treatment options. Kybella is a revolutionary injectable treatment that the FDA first approved in 2015 for double chin removal. Dr. Jeanine Downie, the dermatologist at image Dermatology ® P.C. in Montclair, New Jersey, participated in the Kybella clinical trials and is highly skilled at using this novel treatment for precision fat removal with natural-looking results.

Kybella Chin Treatment in Montclair NJ Area

Why choose Kybella?

Kybella is like liposuction in a needle. Its active ingredient is deoxycholic acid, a molecule that naturally exists in the human digestive tract, where it breaks down fats during digestion. When used in precise doses by a skilled injector, Kybella harnesses the fat-dissolving potential of synthetic deoxycholic acid. To eliminate submental fullness for a slimmer, more contoured profile – even in patients where a healthy diet and regular exercise have failed to reduce their double chin. Treatment with Kybella is:

  • Effective
  • FDA-approved
  • Great for all skin types and races/ethnicities
  • Performed with lidocaine numbing, so you are comfortable during your treatment
  • Permanent – after a series of treatments (six or more) to achieve your desired results, no touch-up treatments are needed because the fat cells are permanently destroyed and do not return

Actual Patient Results

Before & After treatment of Kybella in Montclair NJ Area

How Kybella is different from other non-invasive fat removal techniques

Kybella is different from other types of non-invasive fat removal, such as treatments that heat or freeze fat, because the sensitive anatomy of the under-chin requires a much more precise method to achieve natural-looking results. Dr. Downie is one of the most experienced Kybella injectors in the nation and has the expertise necessary to help you safely achieve your desired results without damaging the surrounding tissues or producing undesired contours. Some swelling naturally occurs after the procedure because of how Kybella interacts with the fat cells. Swelling is a sign that the treatment is working! Your metabolism will determine how long it takes the swelling to decrease, but it typically about a week or slightly more, after which your swelling will subside as the body flushes away the dead fat cells, and your slimmer new under-chin area will be revealed.

Call our office at (973) 509-6900
to book an appointment today.

Is Kybella right for me?

Kybella is safe and effective when performed by a skilled injector like Dr. Downie. Still, it is important to undergo a thorough consultation and evaluation prior to treatment to ensure that you are a good candidate because Kybella is contraindicated in patients with certain underlying medical conditions. In some cases, Kybella can be a great option for targeting other precise areas on the body, such as small rolls and bulges that occur in the bra area, abdomen, thighs, and knees. In fact, Dr. Downie used Kybella to treat the fat on her own inner thighs very successfully after eight treatment sessions! Dr. Downie can help you determine where and how Kybella can best be used for your specific concerns.

To schedule your appointment at our Montclair, NJ office, call image Dermatology ® P.C. at (973) 509-6900 or book your appointment online! 

Dr. Jeanine Downie is an experienced and popular dermatologist in Montclair. She possesses extensive experience and training in all aspects of dermatology, including cosmetic dermatology and laser surgery. Dr. Downie provides modern and cutting-edge dermatology treatments to everyone in your family in a professional, competent and compassionate manner while ensuring that your individual and unique needs are met. Having received rigorous academic training, she completed her residency in Dermatology at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City and also served as Chief Resident. She continues to upgrade her skills set and share her knowledge through professional affiliations and lecturing assignments on behalf of several renowned medical societies such as The Skin Cancer Foundation and The American Academy of Dermatology, among others. She also frequently interacts with the public through popular television shows such as Good Morning America, The Today Show, and The Dr. Oz Show, to name a few.

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